Publications (Selected publications (from over 30 publications and 1 book)
Morais, J.M.F. "A personal note on IGBP and the social sciences", IGBP's Global Change magazine 84, 4 November 2015
K.A.Hibbard, R.Costanza, C.Crumley, S.van der Leeuw, S.Aulenbach, J.Dearing, J.Morais, W.Steffen, Y.Yasuda, “Developing an Integrated History and Future of People on Earth (IHOPE)”: Research Plan. IGBP Report no.59, IGBP Secretariat, Stockholm, 40 pp., 2010
R. Battarbee, et al (J.M.F. Morais), "Past Global Changes: Science Plan and Implementation Strategy", IGBP Report No. 57. IGBP Secretariat, Stockholm, 67 pp. 2009
Morais, J.M.F. 2007, O Antropoceno: Desafios da Mudança Global, in Revista Lusófona de Humanidades de Tecnologia, 11, 2006: pp.15-25
Stefan Anderberg et al. (J.M.F. Morais), Human Integration in Global Change Research, The Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research, Stockholm, 2000
Morais, J.M.F. and W. Steffen, 1999, “Global Change and Earth (Sub)-System Science”, Regional Environmental Change 1 (1): 2-3
Morais, J.M.F. 1998, “Global Change and the Coastal Zone/ A Mudança Geral e a Zona Costeira”. Monografias, Commissariat of the Lisbon World Exposition, 1998. 50 p.p.
Morais, J.M.F. 1997, “An Overview of Global Environmental Change Research” in M.H. Glantz and I.S. Zonn (eds.) Scientific, Environmental, and Political Issues in the Circum-Caspian Region, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 165-183
Rapley, C., Morais, J.M.F. "The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme IGBP". GeoJournal 40, 311–342 (1996)
Morais, J.M.F. 1994, "A Report concerning a single iron bell excavated at Manyikeni Zimbabwe”, In Music History in Pictures: Southern Africa (ed. G.Kubik), Leipzig Deutscher Verlag für Musik
Morais, J.M.F. 1994, “M.S. Alberto e a Arqueologia Moçambicana: uma nota bibliográfica”, Boletim Informativo, Serviços Culturais da Embaixada de Portugal, Maputo
Morais, J.M.F. 1993, “Fontes Historiográficas e Arqueologia em Moçambique”, Leba 7, Actas da I Reunião de Arqueologia e História Pré-Colonial (Lisboa Outubro de 1989), pp.301-317
Morais, J.M.F. 1993, "Pós-Escrito: Breves considerações sobre os objectivos e as realizações da I Reunião de Arqueologia e História Pré-Colonial". In Leba 7, Actas da I Reunião de Arqueologia e História Pré-Colonial" (Lisboa Outubro de 1989), pp. 557-559
Sinclair, P.J.J., Morais, J.M.F., Adamowicz, L, e Duarte, R.T. 1993, “A Perspective on Archaeological Research in Mozambique”. In Foods, Metals and Towns in African History (eds. T. Shaw, P. Sinclair, One World Archaeology Series 20, London: Routledge, pp.409-431
Morais, J.M.F. 1992, “Notas para um Programa de Investigação integrando o passado e o presente: Arqueologia Ambiental e Desenvolvimento”. In Moçambique, 16 anos de historiografia, I Painel de Historiografia, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane
Morais, J.M.F. 1991, “As Origens da Olaria em Moçambique/ Early Pottery in Mozambique”. Exhibition brochure, Departamento de Arqueologia e Antropologia, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo
Morais, J.M.F. 1990, “The Social Role of Environmental Archaeology: man-land relationships and habitats in Southern Mozambique as a tool for the socio-ecological study of climate change”. IUAES Inter-Congress (International Union for Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences), Lisboa, Setembro 1990
Morais, J.M.F. 1989, “O Princípio e o Presente: a arqueologia na redescoberta do passado em Moçambique”. ICALP, 18, Lisboa, pp.74-92
Morais, J.M.F. 1989, “A Missão e a Instituição: arqueologia moçambicana em perspectiva”. Seminário “Povos e Culturas de África”, Caderno 1, Instituto de Antropologia, Universidade de Coimbra
Morais, J.M.F. 1989, “Da aldeia aos primeiros estados mercantis”. Semanário Africa, n°110, 21-27 de Junho, p.14-15
Morais, J.M.F. 1988, The Early Farming Communities in Southern Mozambique: an assessment of new and extant evidence (edited D.Phil Thesis), Studies in African Archaeology 3, Lisbon, National Board of Swedish Antiquities and Department of Archaeology, Uppsala University
Morais, J.M.F. e Ferrão, L. 1988, “Contribuição para uma bibliografia sobre a Arqueologia e a Pré-história de Moçambique”. Leba, (Lisboa), 6, pp. 64-80
Morais, J.M.F. e Sinclair, P.J.J. 1987, “På spaning efter Afrika, Arkeologi i Moçambique”. In: Utställning Programverkstad Moçambique!, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, pp.148-52
Morais, J.M.F. 1986, ”An Annotated Bibliography of Mozambican Archaeology”. Work.Pap.Afr.Stud., 30, Department of Cultural Anthropology, Uppsala
Morais, J.M.F. 1984, “Mozambican Archaeology: Past and Present”. The African Archaeology Review (Cambridge), 2: 113-128
Sinclair, P.J.J., Morais, J.M.F. 1983, "Swedish-Mozambique Archaeological Project". Indian Ocean Newsletter (Nedlands), 4 (1): 6
Morais, J.M.F. 1982, “Rescue Archaeology in Moçambique”. Young Archaeology, (Cambridge), Spring issue, p.8-9
Morais, J.M.F., Sinclair,P.J.J. 1980, “Manyikeni, a Zimbabwe in Southern Mozambique”. Proceedings of the VIII Panafrican Congress of Prehistory and Quaternary Studies (Nairobi 1977). The International Louis Leakey Memorial Institute for African Prehistory (TILLMIAP), pp. 351-354
Morais, J.M.F. (ed.) 1980, “Arqueologia e conhecimento do passado em Moçambique”. Trabalhos de Arqueologia e Antropologia, n° 1, Maputo, 10 p.
Morais, J.M.F., Sinclair, P.J.J. 1979, “Archaeology and understanding the past in Mozambique”. Conference on Indian Ocean Studies, Perth
Sinclair, P.J.J. and Morais, J.M.F. 1979, “The Archaeology of Mozambique and the Zimbabwe”. TILLMIAP Workshop for Eastern, Central and Southern Africa, Nairobi
Morais, J.M.F. Sinclair, P.J.J. Universidade Eduardo Mondlane 1979, "Museu Arqueológico de Maniykeni". Maputo, 10 p.
Morais, J.M.F. 1978 a., “Tentativa de definição de algumas formações sócio-económicas em Moçambique de 0 a 1500”. Centro de Estudos Africanos, Maputo, 18 p.
Morais, J.M.F. 1978 b., “Research Programme of the Archaeology Section, C.E.A. Instituto de Investigação Científica de Moçambique, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo”. Nyame Akuma, (Edmonton), 12: 29-33
Morais, J.M.F. 1976 a., “Prehistoric Research in Moçambique”. In: Morais, J.M.F. et al. (ed.) Iron Age Research in Moçambique: collected preliminary reports. Instituto de Investigação Científica de Moçambique, Maputo, p. 1-21
Morais, J.M.F. (ed.) 1976 b., “Iron Age research in Moçambique: collected preliminary reports”. Instituto de Investigação Científica de Moçambique, Secção de Pré-história, Maputo, 164 p.
Morais, J.M.F. 1976 c., "The Study of African Archaeology and History in Moçambique". Institute of African Studies, University of Nairobi, Seminar paper 66, Nairobi, 6 p.
Morais, J.M.F. e Silva T.C. 1976 d., "A tentative construction of a model: modern traditional pottery from the coastal plain, Gaza Province". In: Morais, J. et al., “Iron Age research in Moçambique: collected preliminary reports”. Instituto de Investigação Científica de Moçambique, Secção de Pré-história, Maputo, pp. 1-12
Morais, J.M.F. 1976 e., “Alguns apontamentos de História de África”. Seminário de professores primários e secundários, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, 65 p.
Carvalho, G. Soares de, et al. (J. Morais) 1975, “The Quaternary deposits and the stone artifacts of the fluvial terraces (Olifants River) on the earth dam site at Massingir”. Memórias, Instituto de Investigação Científica de Moçambique, Lourenço Marques, 10 (B): 73-182
Other: technical editing and various contributions: Land-Use, Cover-Change Project (LUCC) Science Plan, The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) 1995, Global Change Magazine (IGBP, biannual), IGBP E-mail Bulletin, IGBP Annual Reports, IGBP Brochure and IGBP website content.